How Long Can You Expect Your HVAC System to Last?

Air conditioning units can last an average of 15 to 20 years with proper maintenance. Learn how you can extend the life expectancy of your HVAC system with improved insulation and professional air sealing.

How Long Can You Expect Your HVAC System to Last?

Air conditioning units can have a lifespan of up to 20 years, with newly manufactured models offering greater efficiency and a longer life expectancy. However, regular use and lack of maintenance can reduce the lifespan of a typical HVAC unit to 10 years or less. The longevity of an HVAC system is dependent on local weather conditions and the amount of maintenance it receives. With proper heat pump maintenance, along with sufficient insulation and professional air sealing, you can enjoy all the benefits of an energy efficient HVAC upgrade for up to 20 to 25 years in some cases.

By combining improved insulation with professional air sealing and the best air conditioning system, you can eliminate uneven and uncomfortable temperatures once and for all and, at the same time, reduce your home's energy waste. HVAC maintenance service will involve checking, cleaning, adjusting and replacing parts. It's important to call a professional to inspect your HVAC unit when you hear strange noises. Even if you have a few years left in the heating and cooling system, if the air quality in your home is poor or if your air conditioner or boiler smells regularly when turned on, it's time to switch to a cleaner, healthier air conditioning system. A typical residential HVAC system can last anywhere from 10 to 25 years.

Keep in mind that, although the average lifespan of an air conditioning system ranges from 10 to 25 years, depending on the climate and the type of heating and cooling system you have. It's much more expensive to neglect a home's air conditioning system, and it's much wiser to maintain it and save money every year. What most homeowners don't know is that, even with a newer, more energy efficient HVAC system, if your home isn't properly insulated or professionally sealed, the lifespan of your home system is automatically shortened.

Stuart Henline
Stuart Henline

Total zombie buff. Passionate internet lover. Extreme pop culture advocate. Subtly charming reader. Total coffee aficionado.

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